Monday 4 February 2013



Today we have to bring our laptop to the class which is at DSP because Miss Zu want to check our progress on the outlining that she told us last week that we have to do at least until body paragraph 1. So in the class we have to continue to write the outline as she want the outline to be pass up on this FRIDAY BEFORE 12 P.M. My group only does it until body paragraph 1 so there is a lot of work that we have to do. Miss Zu told us to follow exactly the format from past semester students’ outline that she gave to us before this as our guideline so that our mark will not being deducted because of these mistake. Nadiahs group, Ezani group and my group is the goup that Miss Zu not check yet so she will check it tomorrow as it is already 4.00 p.m

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